Here's a random story'; $nouns = array('dog','cat','hand','arm','head','foot','leg','bones','chest','eyes','hair','nose','ears','finger','table','chair','fridge','shoe','coat','dress','skirt','pair of trousers','pair of socks','cardigan','blouse','shirt','tie','boat','car','bike','television','radio','computer','telephone','hat','umbrella','necklace','scooter','camera','piano','banjo','guitar','flute','tuba','garden','house','shed','greenhouse','diary','ferret','horse','baby','hammer','pen','pencil','watch','clock','bucket','box of tissues','money','comb','mirror','cupboard','Playboy collection','newspaper','saw','knife','handgun','rifle','machine gun','sword','lawnmower','ladder','cooker','telescope','binoculars','sunglasses','van','lorry','yo-yo'); $nounstotal = count($nouns) - 1; $ok = 'no'; while($ok == 'no') { $noun = rand(0,$nounstotal); $noun2 = rand(0,$nounstotal); if ($noun <> $noun2) {$ok = '';} } $verbs = array('use','wiggle','open','take off','take off on','fall off','sit on','stand on','undo','throw','lay down','pick','pick up','look at','clean','touch','stroke','lick','feel','steal','grab','poke','hit','buy','eat','roast','boil','point','tear up','open','wash','destroy','drown','torture','burn','lift','lift up','pull','pull down','jump on','jump off','love','dance with','rearrange','paint over','colour in','crush','beat up','smash','pull apart','polish','kiss'); $verbstotal = count($verbs) - 1; $ok = 'no'; while($ok == 'no') { $verb = rand(0,$verbstotal); $verb2 = rand(0,$verbstotal); if ($verb <> $verb2) {$ok = '';} } $adverbs = array('gently','violently','carefully','lovingly','angrily','suddenly','confidently','nervously','unexpectedly','forcefully','rapidly','gradually','slowly','quickly','repeatedly','softly','eventually'); $adverbstotal = count($adverbs) - 1; $ok = 'no'; while($ok == 'no') { $adverb = rand(0,$adverbstotal); $adverb2 = rand(0,$adverbstotal); if ($adverb <> $adverb2) {$ok = '';} } $actions = array('run off with','marry','kill','find','kiss','caress','look for','attack','dance with','go skating with','travel abroad with','go golfing with','smother','chase','smile at','intimidate','irritate','confuse','seduce','flirt with','puzzle'); $actionstotal = count($actions) - 1; $ok = 'no'; while($ok == 'no') { $action = rand(0,$actionstotal); $action2 = rand(0,$actionstotal); if ($action <> $action2) {$ok = '';} } //split into male, female and either(any) $persons = array( 'brother', 'father', 'son', 'grandfather', 'nephew', 'uncle', 'sister', 'mother', 'daughter', 'grandmother', 'niece', 'aunt', 'postman', 'courier', 'baker', 'butcher', 'farmer', 'sailor', 'banker', 'teacher', 'childminder', 'babysitter', 'shop assistant', 'van driver', 'lorry driver', 'biker', 'mayor', 'photographer', 'programmer', 'designer', 'chef', 'cleaner', 'carpenter', 'builder', 'lawyer' ); $personstotal = count($persons) - 1; $ok = 'no'; while($ok == 'no') { $person = rand(0,$personstotal); $person2 = rand(0,$personstotal); $person3 = rand(0,$personstotal); if (($person <> $person2) and ($person <> $person3) and ($person2 <> $person3)) {$ok = '';} } if ($person < 6) { $prefixperson1 = 'my'; $prefixperson1b = 'He'; $prefixperson1c = 'his'; $prefixperson1d = 'he'; } if (($person > 5) and ($person < 12)) { $prefixperson1 = 'my'; $prefixperson1b = 'She'; $prefixperson1c = 'her'; $prefixperson1d = 'she'; } if ($person > 11) { $prefixperson1 = 'a'; $prefixperson1b = 'The '.$persons[$person]; $prefixperson1c = 'their'; $prefixperson1d = 'they'; } if ($person2 < 6) { $prefixperson2 = 'my'; $prefixperson2b = 'him'; } if (($person2 > 5) and ($person2 < 12)) { $prefixperson2 = 'my'; $prefixperson2b = 'her'; } if ($person2 > 11) { $prefixperson2 = 'a'; $prefixperson2b = 'them'; } if ($person3 < 12) { $prefixperson3 = 'my'; } else { $prefixperson3 = 'a'; } $bodybackground = '#fff'; $headerbackground = '#d9d9d9'; $holderbackground = '#e3e3e3'; $mainbackground = '#eee'; $footerbackground = '#d3d3d3'; $headertext = $maintext = $sidebartext = $footertext = '#333'; echo << html {border:0;} /* removes window edge in IE6! 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Below is a short story created randomly from a predefined set of words. Every time you refresh the page, the story changes. I find some of the results hilarious. I hope you do too.

One day $prefixperson1 {$persons[$person]} decided to {$actions[$action]} $prefixperson2 {$persons[$person2]}. $prefixperson1b would {$adverbs[$adverb]} {$verbs[$verb]} $prefixperson1c {$nouns[$noun]} to {$actions[$action2]} $prefixperson2b. And if that didn't work, $prefixperson1d would {$adverbs[$adverb2]} {$verbs[$verb2]} $prefixperson3 {$persons[$person3]}'s {$nouns[$noun2]}.

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