JACOB (JAvaScript Cross-browser Organiser for Bookmarks) - Beta 1 - 25 October 2005

Navigate the list of links with the aid of the category picker to the right and entering search terms in the text box. Typing in text will narrow down the available selection by finding matches for what you've typed in. Then click on a name in the list on the left and press the go button to visit that site.


The source so far:

var links = new Array();
var categories = new Array();
var searchFilter = "All";

function init() {
	selectHeight = categories.length + 1;

function initLinks() {
	// name, links, category
	links[0] = new Array("Fark","http://www.fark.com","News");
	links[1] = new Array("Centricle","http://centricle.com","Friends");
	links[2] = new Array("Slayeroffice","http://slayeroffice.com","Friends");
	links[3] = new Array("BBspot","http://www.bbspot.com","Satire");
	links[4] = new Array("GameSpot","http://www.gamespot.com","Gaming");
	links[5] = new Array("The Onion","http://www.theonion.com","Satire");
	links[6] = new Array("Javascript-games.org","http://www.javascript-games.org","Gaming");
	links[7] = new Array("TheWebMachine","http://www.thewebmachine.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[8] = new Array("KVIII","http://www.kviii.com","Friends");
	links[9] = new Array("A List Apart","http://www.alistapart.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[10] = new Array("Red vs. Blue","http://www.redvsblue.com","Entertainment");
	links[11] = new Array("Satirewire","http://www.satirewire.com","Satire");
	links[12] = new Array("Caster's Realm","http://eq.castersrealm.com","Gaming");
	links[13] = new Array("Linux Online","http://www.linux.org/","Computers");
	links[14] = new Array("Dev Edge","http://devedge.netscape.com/","Web Design and Development");
	links[15] = new Array("Tech TV","http://www.techtv.com","Entertainment");
	links[16] = new Array("Brain Jar","http://www.brainjar.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[17] = new Array("Webmonkey","http://www.webmonkey.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[18] = new Array("W3C.org","http://www.w3c.org","Web Design and Development");
	links[19] = new Array("Builder.com","http://builder.cnet.com/","Web Design and Development");
	links[20] = new Array("Bioware","http://www.bioware.com","Gaming");
	links[21] = new Array("Adobe","http://www.adobe.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[22] = new Array("AO Basher","http://www.ao-basher.com","Gaming");
	links[23] = new Array("SWG","http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/","Gaming");
	links[24] = new Array("Brutal News","http://www.brutalnews.com","News");
	links[25] = new Array("AOLserver","http://www.aolserver.com/","Web Design and Development");
	links[26] = new Array("Apache.org","http://www.apache.org","Web Design and Development");
	links[27] = new Array("PHP.net","http://www.php.net","Web Design and Development");
	links[28] = new Array("MSDN","http://msdn.microsoft.com","Web Design and Development");
	links[29] = new Array("Java Boutique","http://javaboutique.internet.com/","Web Design and Development");
	links[30] = new Array("EQ Vault","http://eqvault.ign.com/","Gaming");
	links[31] = new Array("Google","http://www.google.com","Search Engines");
	links[32] = new Array("Alta Vista","http://www.altavista.com","Search Engines");
	links[33] = new Array("Hotbot","http://www.hotbot.com","Search Engines");
	links[34] = new Array("Ask Jeeves","http://www.ask.com","Search Engines");
	links[35] = new Array("CNN","http://www.cnn.com","News");
	links[36] = new Array("MSNBC","http://www.msnbc.com","News");
	links[37] = new Array("Washington Post","http://www.washingtonpost.com","News");
	links[38] = new Array("New York Times","http://www.nytimes.com","News");
	links[39] = new Array("AOL","http://www.aol.com","Online Services");
	links[40] = new Array("MSN","http://www.msn.com","Online Services");
	links[41] = new Array("Earthlink","http://www.earthlink.net","Online Services");
	links[42] = new Array("Compuserve","http://www.compuserve.com","Online Services");
	links[43] = new Array("MSIE","http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.asp","Browsers");
	links[44] = new Array("Mozilla","http://www.mozilla.org","Browsers");
	links[45] = new Array("Opera","http://www.opera.com","Browsers");
	links[46] = new Array("Netscape","http://www.netscape.com","Browsers");
	links[47] = new Array("Safari","http://www.apple.com/safari/download/","Browsers");
	links[48] = new Array("Konquerer","http://www.konqueror.org/","Browsers");
	links[49] = new Array("Lynx","http://lynx.browser.org/","Browsers");
	links[50] = new Array("Slashdot","http://slashdot.org/","Computers");

function drawSelect() {
	mHTML = "<select name='lists' class='sel' size=" + selectHeight + ">";
	for(i=0;i<links.length;i++) {
		mHTML+="<option title='test' value='" + links[i][1] + "'>" + links[i][0] + "</option>";
	document.getElementById("mContainer").innerHTML = mHTML;

function narrowList(searchString) {
	resultsFound = 0;
	searchString = searchString.toLowerCase();
	mHTML = "<select size=" + selectHeight + " class='sel' name='lists'>";
//	partialStringMatching = document.forms[0].psm.checked;
	for(i=0;i<links.length;i++) {
		zLink = links[i][0].toLowerCase();
		if(zLink.indexOf(searchString) >-1 && (links[i][2] == searchFilter || searchFilter == "All")) {
			mHTML+="<option value='" + links[i][1] + "'>" + links[i][0] + "</option>";
	document.getElementById("mContainer").innerHTML = mHTML;

function showResults(zResultsFound,zSearchString) {
	zHTML = "";
	zHTML += "<b>" + zResultsFound + "</b> results found";
	if(zSearchString != "") zHTML += " for search term <b>" + zSearchString + "</b>";
	zHTML += " in category <b>" + searchFilter + "</b>";
//	if(zResultsFound==0) zHTML+=" so listing what was found.";
	document.getElementById("mResults").innerHTML = zHTML;

function buildCategoryArray() {
	for(i=0;i<links.length;i++)if(!existsInArray(categories,links[i][2])) categories[categories.length] = links[i][2];

function buildCategoryList() {
	zHTML = "<select size=" + selectHeight + " name='cats' class='sel' onClick='handleCategoryClick(this.value);'>";
	zHTML += "<option value='All'>All</option>";
	for(i=0;i<categories.length;i++) zHTML+="<option value='" +categories[i] + "'>" + categories[i] + "</option>";
	zHTML+= "</select>";
	document.getElementById("nContainer").innerHTML = zHTML;

function existsInArray(arrayToCheck,valueToCheck) {
	for(z=0;z<arrayToCheck.length;z++)if(arrayToCheck[z] == valueToCheck) { return true; break; }
	return false;

function handleCategoryClick(sValue) {
	searchFilter = sValue;
//	drawSelect();

function handleClear() {

function handleGoClick() {
	if(document.forms[0].lists.value)location.href = document.forms[0].lists.value;

Based on Categorized & Searchable List Boxes by S.G.Chipman, which was released under a Creative Commons Licence. Recoded by Chris Hester 25 October 2005. Last updated 31 October 2005. About this demo.

Work in progress! Still to do:

  1. Multiple categories per link
  2. Searchable tags
  3. Show URL of links
  4. Add/remove links
  5. Import/export of links
  6. Update the design
  7. Update the links